Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Timeeee

Bikini top and bottom -- H&M

Is this not one of the cutest bathing suits you've seen this summer season? I've been looking for the perfect bathing suit (I've been using my old all-black $10 walmart bikini my past two beach trips..) and I think that H&M has the cutest ones for awesome prices ! they range from around $5 to $30 dollars, which, compared to other places, is actually really really cheap. I don't know why I never invest in bathing suits, I guess I just find it useless cause in my town we only hae one crummy beach and lately it's been barely hot enough to go. Buuuuuut this year I want a new, nice bikini. I'm currently in Vancouver visiting my sick grandfather (which is why I haven't posted at all this week, sorry <3) and I'm leaving tomorrow. Monday morning I leave for Vancouver again with my friends to go shopping though, and that is when I hope to find this dream bikini :)

hope everyone's summer vacation is going great :)

- Shay


  1. :O cutest.bikini.ever. I love h&m swimsuits too, but my favee ones are from victoria secret. they're really good quality :)

    & sending well wishes to your grandpa - hope he gets better soon!

    xox eleni

  2. hmm H&M made some awesome bikinis ! :D

    I hope your Grandpa will be better :)

    Have a good time and take care !: )

    xoxo A.
